Oakland International - Article


Oakland International - Article

No Data – No Movement

Picture of Robert Hardy

Robert Hardy

Founder and CEO EORI

“Trade isn’t about goods, it’s about DATA. Goods sit in the warehouse until DATA moves them!” C J Cherryh

We have been collecting master data for the last 6 weeks and have already built 1,500 trader relationship files that allow us to automate many of the day one Brexit processes. We are transmitting more than 200 customs entries per day to test the background coding, duty and tax codes and to detect if any specific tariff restrictions apply. A new one on me was ‘retaliatory duty’ – can never say that customs brokerage is boring!

There are around 50,000 commodity codes. We won’t use all of them but we expect to regularly handle around 1,500 different codes. The good news is that we have already locked in more than 400 of these. Tried, tested, verified and locked in for day one.

Things don’t always go to plan. Sometimes it can take hours to get an entry through but we have time! Better to be messing around now than when trucks are moving.

For those of you who have already submitted your master data – THANK YOU!. You will have received a summary ‘Brexit readiness’ assessment report from us and a [short] list of further information required.

For those of you who have not yet submitted your master data – what are you waiting for? The service we provide is free of charge and without obligation.

Get your master data lodged and help us to help you! Click HERE

Robert Hardy, Commercial Director, Oakland International/Oakland Invicta