Oakland International - Article


Oakland International - Article


Picture of Robert Hardy

Robert Hardy

Founder and CEO EORI

You Ready?

Big changes are coming. No more leaving Dublin without a GB import GMR. No more deferred entry scheme.

So, what’s new…?

1. You must have a GMR before you leave Dublin (for Holyhead, for example)
2. The GMR must contain all GB import declarations relevant to the load
3. The GMR auto arrives the import entries – so, if they are not on the GMR, they are not compliant
4. For Low risk SPS goods, you’ll need an IPAFFS – and you’ll need to reference it on the import declaration
5. For Medium and High risk you’ll need an export health cert and a CHED level IPAFFS (again, this is referenced on the import entry)
6. This start from 31st Jan 2024

You ready? We are, we’ve been working this way since January 2022 (when the GMR was introduced for GB imports from mainland EU). We know the pit-falls, we know how to overcome the hurdles. We know how to make things even easier with the GMR than today.

We’re happy to share our knowledge and are hosting a FREE seminar on 1st November 2023 at the Hilton Dublin Airport. Register on the link below and find out how to turn a negative into a positive.

Register here: https://share.hsforms.com/1zYWvJymQTO26kMpmlBLYNA4rhvg

They’ll be a Q&A session at the end, with our customs and border experts on hand.

Hope to see you there.

Rob Hardy

EORI (UK) Limited
+44 (0) 333 012 4819